路由# 321076470

Adjustable-率 Mortgage



浮动利率抵押贷款比固定利率贷款提供更低的初始利率和付款,并且在你第一次搬进来的时候改善你的现金流. Patelco offers 5, 7, or 10-year 条款 for an ARM. 在那之后, your payments can increase or decrease with interest rate changes, based on the 条款 of your individual loan. 利率将在调整期间和贷款期限内达到上限. Depending on your situation, ARM可能是一个不错的财务决策,可以为您节省资金. 对于那些知道自己想在不久的将来搬家或将在几年内还清抵押贷款的人来说,这尤其有好处.

ARM loans are different from fixed-rate mortgage loans, which keep the same interest rate for the life of the loan.

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Purchase Adjustable 利率

利率 Effective 07/01/2024



5/1 30-Year Adjustable3

$50,000 to $766,550 6.250% 7.004%

5/5 30-Year Adjustable4

$50,000 to $766,550 6.375% 6.459%

7/1 30-Year Adjustable3

$50,000 to $766,550 6.250% 6.871%

10/1 30-Year Adjustable3

$50,000 to $766,550 6.375% 6.793%

10/10 30-Year Adjustable5

$50,000 to $766,550 6.500% 6.628%

5/1 30-Year Adjustable Jumbo3

$766,551 to $2,500,000 6.250% 6.988%

5/5 30-Year Adjustable Jumbo4

$766,551 to $2,500,000 6.375% 6.443%

7/1 30-Year Adjustable Jumbo3

$766,551 to $2,500,000 6.250% 6.855%

10/1 30-Year Adjustable Jumbo3

$766,551 to $2,500,000 6.375% 6.777%

10/10 30-Year Adjustable Jumbo5

$766,551 to $2,500,000 6.500% 7.064%


How much home can I afford? (下图, “每月子女抚养费”是指按月支付的子女抚养费, not to income from child support.)


Frequently Asked Questions

  • ARM在贷款的早期提供较低的利率和付款,这有助于在你第一次搬进来的时候改善你的现金流. Patelco为最初的5年、7年和10年提供固定利率. 你以较低利率存下的钱可以放在收益较高的储蓄或投资账户中. 除了, ARM提供了一个很好的, 对于打算在几年后搬迁的购房者来说,这是一个更便宜的选择. 最后, in a lower rate environment, 借款人可以利用利率下降的优势,而无需在初始固定利率期限后进行再融资. They won’t have to worry about additional closing costs and fees.
    ARM提供固定利率,初始期限为5年、7年或10年. 在那之后 initial fixed period, the interest rate adjusts. And while we put caps during the adjustments and the life of the loan, 如果利率上升(例如在利率较高的环境中), you may have higher payments.
    较高的付款可能会使你的预算变得困难,并使计划变得具有挑战性. 即使你仔细计划,它可能会使再融资或出售你的房子变得困难.
    ARMs are more complex than fixed-rate mortgage loans. We encourage you to speak with our expert 置业贷款顾问s to discuss your options and find the right loan for you.
    你的抵押贷款利率受到很多因素的影响, including your credit score, 首付, and the amount of your mortgage loan, 除其他因素外. We encourage you to use our mortgage loan calculator 看看你的选择或说话的住房贷款顾问更准确的报价.
    固定利率和浮动利率抵押贷款的区别在于, for an adjustable-rate mortgage, the interest rate may go up or down. With a fixed rate mortgage, 利率是在你贷款的时候设定的,在贷款期限内不会改变.
    这是一个常见的误解,你需要20%的首付买房子. 我们提供了几个项目,旨在帮助人们更负担得起房屋所有权.
    Here’s an overview of the most common options and their benefits:

    • 让你在一个较高的价格范围内购买房屋,同时仍然有较低的首付款
    • Borrow up to $1 million

    10% Down Piggyback Loan

    • Helps maximize your buying power by providing a 20% 首付
    • 10% down + 10% down from 2nd mortgage (HELOC) obtained at closing
    • Borrow up to $2 million
Connect with a 置业贷款顾问

买房是一个重要的里程碑,也是你将做出的最大的财务决定之一. But it can be stressful if you’re unsure of what to expect.


Whether it’s your first home, a vacation property or an investment purchase, 我们的房屋贷款顾问将与您会面,讨论您的计划和目标.



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Dreams come true with affordable home loans
无论你是想买你的第一套房子,还是需要更多的空间来容纳你不断壮大的家庭, we can help make your home ownership goals a reality. 我们的专家住房贷款顾问站在旁边,帮助您沿途的每一步. Feel free to contact us at 800.358.8228(从主菜单中选择4)或在线开始申请,我们会与您保持联系.

1 锁店计划只适用于首次按揭大额贷款购买交易. Must have a home loan application with Patelco to lock in a rate. Patelco将在锁定之日起30天内兑现您的费率. 一旦收到一份完全执行的购买合同,在贷款资金到位之前,利率将以该利率为准.

2 4月 = Annual Percentage 率. 4月s are based on the following:

  • Conforming: Loan amount of $766,550 + closing costs
  • Jumbo: Loan amount of $1,500,000  + closing costs
  • 所显示的抵押贷款利率是基于30天的购买交易锁定

率 shown at 60% loan-to-value (LTV), 自住购买,信用良好,无从属融资. 您的费率可能与显示的不同,在某些情况下会有价格调整. 请使用利率计算器在我们的抵押贷款申请网站收到一个更好的估计您的情况. 利率, 条款, 条件, 可随时更改或取消,恕不另行通知. 此处的任何内容都不应被解释为提供或承诺贷款. 贷款 are subject to credit and property approval. Other 条件 and restrictions may apply. Hazard insurance may be required. NMLS ID Number is 506373.

3 该指数是将1年期美国国债按固定期限调整为1年的周平均值, as made available by the Federal Reserve. The caps are 2% annually and 6% lifetime based on the initial rate. The current index is 5.13. Your rate may be different than what is shown.

4 该指数(对于5/5产品)是5年期美国国债调整为5年期固定期限的周平均值, as made available by the Federal Reserve. 上限为每次调整的2%和基于初始速率的5%寿命. The current index is 4.33. Your rate may be different than what is shown.

5 该指数(用于10/10产品)是10年期美国国债调整为10年期固定期限的周平均值, as made available by the Federal Reserve. 上限为每次调整的3%和基于初始利率的6%. The current index is 4.31. Your rate may be different than what is shown.


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